BioInnovation Spotlight Podcast Partners with SPARK Europe
Posted on October 5th, 2021
The BioInnovation Spotlight @ LifeScience ORG podcast has partnered with SPARK Programs in Europe to showcase early-stage translational life science research across the continent.
The podcast focuses on innovative research from recent spinout and pre-spinout groups and is hosted by podcast producer and science communicator, Dr David Kirk. David talks to the scientific founders about their journey into entrepreneurship, asking about the unmet needs that exist in their field and how their technology will make a positive impact.
BioInnovation Spotlight has so far featured projects from SPARK-BIH in Berlin and SPARK Norway, speaking with Verena Schoewel-Wolf about muscle regeneration technology with her MyoPax group, Felix Lorenz of Captain T-Cell and their technology to fight cancer, Maria Vistnes and her enzyme research into heart disease, and Gunnveig Grødeland about DNA vaccine development.
“The work supported by SPARK is nothing short of groundbreaking. It’s amazing to hear the inspirational stories and cutting-edge research behind these groups, and it clearly shows that Europe is still at the forefront of innovation in Life Science,” says David.
To add value for their early-stage guests, the BioInnovation Spotlight episodes are first broadcast exclusively to a private community of life science CEOs and investors at LifeScience ORG before going public. LifeScience ORG was created for life science entrepreneurs in Europe to connect, share and engage with each other through online sessions with thought leaders in business.
The BioInnovation Spotlight podcast is released twice monthly and is available on all major platforms, including Apple and Spotify, and is always looking to showcase new European translational research.
Permalink: https://sparkmed.stanford.edu/bioinnovation-spotlight-podcast-partners-with-spark-europe/